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The The American Institute of Homeopathy is the oldest national medical association in the United States.

The The American Association for Homeopathic Products (AAHP) is the trade organization of the American homeopathic industry.

Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) is the official US reference for the identification and quality standards of homeopathic starting materials and tinctures. The HPUS also describes manufacturing methods and standards for compliant and homeopathic products.

National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy while creating a vital community of support for people learning homeopathy at all levels.

Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) represents and provides learning opportunities for nurses, worldwide, who are interested in studying, and/or using homeopathy in their professional lives.

National Health Freedom Coalition‘s mission is to promote access to all health care information, services, treatments and products that the people deem beneficial for their own health and survival; to promote an understanding of the laws and factors impacting the right to access; and to promote the health of the people of this nation.

The American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy supports Americans for Homeopathy Choice