The NEWTON homeopathics® Feminine Comfort complex is formulated for symptoms associated with vaginal discomforts such as itching, burning, dryness, irritation, soreness, and discharge.
Although appropriate for all ages, post-menopausal or peri-menopausal women look to NEWTON homeopathics® Feminine Comfort for symptoms related to change-of-life. When estrogen levels drop around the time of menopause, vaginal tissues become dryer and thinner. This lack of lubrication and change in tissue may lead to pain or discomfort during intercourse. NEWTON homeopathics® Feminine Comfort, based on traditional homeopathic practice, includes single remedies such as Lycopodium (club moss) and Graphites (black lead), both indicated for vaginal dryness. Natrum muriaticum (sea salt) and Sepia (inky secretion of cuttlefish) are both indicated for those with an aversion to sex because of the pain and dryness.
NEWTON homeopathics® Feminine Comfort also includes Arsenicum album (arsenic), Aurum metallicum (metallic gold), Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal), and Kali carbonicum (potassium carbonate), indicated for various types of vaginal discharge, making it a complex to consider for women of all ages with various, minor gynecological conditions. Tarentula hispana (Spanish tarantula) and Zincum metallicum (metallic zinc) are both indicated for itching of the vagina and vulva.
Look to NEWTON homeopathics® Breast Care complex for breast swelling and tenderness pre-menses. And that’s not all! Breast Care is formulated for associated symptoms such as general breast tenderness and nursing discomfort.
Many women experience breast pain related to their menstrual cycle. However, some women, with less-than-optimal diets, such as consuming excess caffeine and fat, may experience breast pain not related to menses. Smoking, as well as some medications and stress, can also trigger breast swelling and pain.
Some of the remedies included in NEWTON homeopathics® Breast Care, based on traditional homeopathic practice, are Calcarea carbonica (oyster shells) and Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) indicated for breasts that are enlarged and painful before and during menses. On the other hand, Lachesis mutus (bushmaster snake) is indicated for inflamed breasts in general, and Belladonna (deadly nightshade) is indicated for breasts that feel heavy.
What many women don’t realize is that Breast Care is also formulated for nursing mothers. Although indicated for sore breasts, additional remedies have supplemental indications for nursing mothers. Chamomilla (German chamomile) is indicated for when breast milk is spoiled, and the baby won’t suckle. Chimaphila umbellata (ground holly) and Pulsatilla (wind flower) are both indicated for when there is suppression of milk. Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) and Croton tiglium (croton seed oil) are both indicated for sore nipples.
We’ve been discussing women’s complexes but let’s not forget our men friends. According to Tom Peters, in the forward to “Marketing to Women” by Marti Barletta, women account for approximately 93% of OTC pharmaceutical purchases.
NEWTON homeopathics® Prostate complex is formulated for associated symptoms such as discomfort, frequent, incomplete, or difficult urination, and performance issues. Note: To rule out any serious prostatic issues, see a licensed healthcare professional.
Based on traditional homeopathic practice, NEWTON homeopathics® Prostate complex includes Baryta carbonica (barium carbonate), Cinchona officinalis (Peruvian bark), and Berberis vulgaris (barberry), all indicated for frequent urination. Selenium metallicum (metallic selenium) and Thuja occidentalis (white cedar) are both indicated for dribbling of urine, and Pulsatilla (wind flower) is indicated for an interrupted urine stream. Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) is indicated for difficulty in passing urine in the beginning even when standing, then it flows freely.
Hopefully you nor a loved one is experiencing any of these conditions, but you may know someone who is. Reach out and introduce them to NEWTON homeopathics® complexes. Many people, unfamiliar with homeopathy, are still searching for a natural approach to their malady – Be the one to HELP them out.
And of course, we believe it is important for everyone to take the NEWTON homeopathics® Detoxifier with any other NEWTON homeopathics® complex.
The remedy indications cited are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy works. Please refer to (American Institute of Homeopathy – the first U.S. professional medical association) for a listing of over 5,000 research articles, or to the Homeopathy Research Institute, based in the United Kingdom, where homeopathy is a popular form of medicine.