What’s in a Name?

By Marge Roberts, BSN MSHP DAHom

In order to more clearly communicate with Newton’s customers and consumers, we have chosen to change the name of the Newton Thyroid Care complex to Thyroid-Adrenal. We know that some manufacturers sell one product which focuses on the thyroid and another that focuses on the adrenal. However, Dr. Chaltin, our founder and the formulator of this complex, was practical and he felt you could not address one without addressing the other. Therefore, this complex has always contained single remedies that may be administered for both. It contains homeopathic thyroidinum and adrenalinum (also called epinephrine), in addition to other single remedies indicated for both. The complex also contains Rhus tox which is indicated for anxiety and confusion. Graphites is included as it is indicated for persistent dry skin, a full and gas-distended abdomen and brittle nails. Lycopodium is indicated for premature baldness and gray hair, as well as headache and loss of appetite. Several other single remedies are included for symptoms of both. Remember, addressing the whole person naturally is the long-term solution to modern states of disease; we believe this is the role of homeopathy. Stressful times, such as we are experiencing in today’s world, can become a challenge to our health and well-being. Consider if our Thyroid-Adrenal complex may be appropriate for yourself, or someone you care for.