By Marge Roberts, BSN MSHP DAHom
The use of cells salts, often referred to as Schuessler’s Salts or tissue salts, was established by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler, a German doctor. He believed that there are 12 inorganic mineral compounds that are vital for cellular health. He argued that a deficiency in any one of these 12 cell salts is thought to be the source of any variety of health issues and believed that providing the missing minerals to the tissues corrects that imbalance, and so eliminates the illness. Trusting that a deficiency of one salt may indicate a deficiency of other salts, Newton combines all 12 cell salts in one handy complex.
Each of the individual cell salts can also be used independently for a variety of maladies. Using the Materia Medica, referenced by those practicing traditional homeopathy, we’ll examine some of the more common indications for each cell salt. For example, according to traditional homeopathic practice, Natrium muriaticum is indicated for colds and heartburn. Magnesium phosphoricum is indicated for muscle cramps and Silicea for skin eruptions and brittle hair. Calcarea fluorica is indicated for loss of elasticity and hard and cracked skin. Calcarea phosphoricum is indicated for poor digestion and Calcarea sulphurica is used for slow healing wounds. Ferrum phosphoricum is used for inflammation and injuries and Kali muriaticum for swollen joints. Kali phosphoricum is indicated for lethargy and forgetfulness and Kali sulphuricum for dry scaly skin and shifting pains. Natrium phosphoricum is indicated for indigestion/gas and Natrium sulphuricum is indicated for toxicity. Many of these indications point to conditions which are common in persons who are depleted either by virtue of their age or lifestyle.
The Schuessler cell salts may be viewed as special raw materials for the body, which you need more of if you run low on what you normally have. I often think of the Newton Cell Salts complex for anyone who is prone to depletion or exhaustion. I think of myself, turning 70 years old this year. And although I still work a full day, up at 7 and writing this article at midnight, I may be somewhat depleted simply from the years on earth. My stepson, who is a professional athlete, takes the Newton Cell Salts complex on a regular basis due to the intense training required which may lead to depletion. Think of a family member or friend who is recovering from an illness or injury – they may feel depleted or exhausted. Consider the Newton Cell Salts complex for a person run down from stress or over-work.
Remember, homeopathy does not do the healing, your body does. In addition to homeopathy, equip your body with the proper food, supplements, vitamins and exercise to accomplish optimum balance.