Is Your Anxiety Stressing You Out?

By Marge Roberts, BSN MSHP DAHom

We’ve had a few difficult years, and the threat of continued difficulty permeates the air. One cannot watch the news without being affected to a certain degree. Inflation, violence, division, war, and disease make the headlines. Many people I know have stopped watching the news or have severely restricted what they watch to help their minds stay positive. Of course, you want to stay informed to a certain degree, so you may watch a news clip on the internet now and again as I do. We have not had a television in our home since 2009.

Others are so absorbed with their own difficulties, that they hardly know what’s going on in the world. A loved one may be dying or dealing with a life-threatening condition. You’re going through a divorce, your child has gotten caught up in drug addiction, you’ve lost your job, or your business has gone belly-up.

Newton is here to assist. Sometimes we need a little help to get us through the tough times. Unlike some pharmaceuticals, homeopathy is not physically addictive, so consumers are more comfortable utilizing it for emotional conditions.

Newton manufactures two complexes for these emotional issues – Nervousness-Anxiety and Stress-Tension. A common question I get is, “How do I know which to take, the Nervousness-Anxiety or the Stress-Tension?” I usually just have to say, “Well, are you more stressed out or more anxious?” They usually inherently know.

Each formula is unique, but there are some single remedies that are used in both complexes because the conditions are similar with some similar traits. Also know that a single remedy may be used in both complexes but for different reasons.

The following remedy uses are based on traditional homeopathic practice. Phosphoricum acidum and Conium maculatum are indicated for headache and are included in the Stress~Tension complex only because headaches are more common in those suffering from stress. Bryonia is included in both because it is indicated for irritability, common in both anxiety and stress. Picricum acidum is included in the Stress-Tension complex because it is indicated for mental and physical fatigue, but Nux vomica, indicated for trembling, is included in Nervousness-Anxiety. Aconitum napellus is included in the Stress-Tension complex for anticipation, but in the Nervousness-Anxiety complex it is included for restlessness. Both contain Chamomilla – for impatience in Stress-Tension and for over sensitiveness in Nervousness-Anxiety. There are other remedies for apprehension, impatience, loss of appetite, scattered thoughts, and indigestion.

Remember, there is no contraindication to supplementing your emotional complex with another complex as needed, such as the Newton Headache, I-Sleep, or Indigestion-Gas complex. We just encourage you to take them 15 minutes apart from each other, allowing each to be recognized before taking another.

Don’t stress out or become anxious laboring to choose the correct complex. Choose the one that “speaks to you.” There are remedies in each that are indicated for you – whether you are struggling with stress, tension, nervousness, or anxiety. I always say, “there is the ideal and there is the practical”. The ideal is to choose the exact correct complex; the practical is to choose one and get started. If your choice doesn’t quite deliver, try the other one. And don’t be afraid to take it frequently if needed, especially at the beginning. You can then decrease the frequency as you become more balanced. Remember also to increase the frequency if life events cause an increase in discomfort. We’re living a roller coaster world, but we don’t need to ride that coaster; we can evade its ups and downs and lead a balanced life. 

In addition, don’t forget the Detoxifier complex. Detoxifier is formulated for symptoms associated with toxicity such as fatigue, headaches and sluggish elimination. Unlike a botanical detoxifier or colon therapy, it is formulated to take daily, preferably at bedtime. We believe everything works better with a clean body. 

Click here to watch a short video on the Newton Homeopathics Detoxifier complex.