A Wise Woman Once Said – We Are Blessed

By Marge Roberts, BSN MSHP DAHom

As women, we are blessed with a unique ability that men do not possess – childbearing. But, along with that blessing comes some health challenges because of the organs, systems, and hormones necessary to fulfill that mission. NEWTON has several complexes formulated for such challenges.

We’ve had numerous customers who believed that the NEWTON Breast Care is only formulated for breast tenderness, however, it is also formulated for associated symptoms such as nursing discomfort and pre-menstrual swelling.

Unlike allopathic drugs, which actions are based on clinical trials, homeopathic remedy indications and uses are based on traditional homeopathic practice. Unlike allopathic drugs, our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and have not been evaluated for medical evidence.

Accordingly, in traditional homeopathic practice, for nursing mothers Chamomilla is included when breast milk is spoiled and baby won’t suckle, Graphites for sore and cracked nipples, Helonias for painful and tender nipples, worse with the pressure of clothes, Phellandrium for pain in milk ducts between nursing and pain better with nursing, and Pulsatilla and Chimaphila for suppressed milk. Apis and Asterias are included for swollen breasts, Graphites for breasts that are swollen and hard during menses, and Pulsatilla, Bryonia, and Silicea for breast pain. Additional remedies are included for various other aspects of breast health.

Addressing another challenge is our Feminine Comfort, formulated for symptoms associated with vaginal discomfort such as itching, burning, dryness, irritation, soreness, and discharge. Although appropriate for all ages, it is especially helpful to post-menopausal or peri-menopausal women. NEWTON’s Feminine Comfort includes Lycopodium and Graphites for vaginal dryness and Tarentula and Zincum for itching of vagina and vulva. Natrum muriaticum and Sepia are indicated for those with an aversion to sex because of the pain and dryness. Arsenicum, Aurum metallicum, Hydrastis, and Kali carbonicum are indicated for various types of vaginal discharge. Additional remedies are included for other aspects such as swelling, pain, and symptoms specifically related to mensus and sexual intercourse.

When I was a teenager, I would have very much appreciated the NEWTON Menstrual-PMS complex, but I had never even heard the word “homeopathy”.  It was a miserable time for me. It was mostly the excruciating cramps that sent me to bed. My menses was heavy and irregular. Yes, it was so remarkable, I can remember it almost 60 years later. Menstrual-PMS has all the remedies I would have needed. It contains Viburnum, Lycopodium, and Cimicifuga for the cramps. It contains Cinchona, Thlaspi bursa-pastoris, Sabina, and Millefolium for heavy menses and Secale and Pulsatilla for irregular menses. I never had a problem with headaches during menses, but many women do. Menstrual-PMS contains Lilium and Bryonia for headaches and Caulophyllum and Dioscorea for that well-known irritability. Click here to watch a short video.

Women don’t have a monopoly on fatigue, but we often suffer from this malady because of our responsibilities and passions. See my prior article on Fatigue Fighter. Watch for future articles on the NEWTON Menstrual~PMS and Menopause complexes. In addition, don’t forget the Detoxifier complex. Detoxifier is formulated for symptoms associated with toxicity such as fatigue, headaches and sluggish elimination. Unlike a botanical detoxifier or colon therapy, it is formulated to take daily, preferably at bedtime. We believe everything works better with a clean body. Click here to watch a short video about the importance of our Detoxifier.