Emotions on Edge in an Edgy World

Unfortunately, stress, tension, nervousness, anxiety, and sadness are at epidemic levels in the United States. And yes, oftentimes people suffer from all at the same time or flow from one to another and back again. Our children are being poisoned by Fentanyl because they are experimenting with mood-altering drugs laced with Fentanyl. They’re searching for ways to deal with stress, tension, nervousness, anxiety, and sadness. We need to empower children and adults to address the imbalance in their emotions with natural options such as homeopathy. We would like to change the underlying causes but unfortunately, we do not have a great deal of control over them, but we can take steps to cope with the stress, tension, nervousness, anxiety, and sadness that is put on us by our government, our jobs, our families, or our past life choices.

Hans Selye (1907–1982) is recognized as the founder of stress theory and stress research. He followed in the footsteps of his father who was also a medical doctor. However, rather than practicing surgery like his father, his passion was research. While a medical student at the University of Prague medical school, he noted that even though patients had their unique symptoms dependent upon their disease, they also had common symptoms among them. He observed generic symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, preferring to lie down rather than stand, and not being in the mood to go to work. He called it the “syndrome of just being sick”. He was the first scientist to identify ‘stress’ as being behind the nonspecific signs and symptoms of illness leading to adrenal hyperactivity, lymphatic atrophy, and peptic ulcers.

According to an entry in the Singapore Medical Journal, “Selye’s proposal stipulated that stress was present in an individual throughout the entire period of exposure to a nonspecific demand. He distinguished acute stress from the total response to chronically applied stressors, terming the latter condition ‘general adaptation syndrome,’ which is also known in the literature as Selye’s Syndrome. The syndrome divides the total response from stress into three phases: the alarm reaction, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion.” 

Singapore Med J 2018; 59(4): 170-171; https://doi.org/10.11622/smedj.2018043 Hans Selye (1907–1982): Founder of the stress theory; Siang Yong Tan1, MD, JD, A Yip2, MS

My thoughts are that the alarm stage may be the Stress-Tension stage, the resistance stage may be the Nervousness-Anxiety stage and the Blues-Mood-Emotions stage may be the exhaustion stage. This makes it feasible that one may go from one stage to another, and back and forth while being presented with different situations. I also propose that the toxicity of our kidneys (fear), and liver (anger), are contributing factors to our emotional roller coaster.

Consider using NEWTON homeopathics® Stress-Tension, Nervousness-Anxiety, and Blues-Mood-Emotions as an option for you and your loved ones and customers/clients.

Although the three complexes may seem similar, they are unique formulas. Although some of the same single remedies are included in all three of these complexes, approximately half of the single remedies in each complex are unique to that complex compared to the other two. It is important to note and remember that the remedy indications cited are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies.

Argentum nitricum is included in all three complexes. However, it is indicated in NEWTON homeopathics® Blues-Mood-Emotions for melancholy and weeping, in NEWTON homeopathics® Nervousness-Anxiety for nervousness, and in NEWTON homeopathics® Stress-Tension for apprehension.


Fourteen of the twenty-four single remedies in NEWTON homeopathics® Blues-Mood-Emotions are unique to the complex. It includes Digitalis for those who want to be alone, Iodium for those feeling dejected, Berberis aquifolium for unhappiness, Sanguinaria canadensis for those who are angry and gloomy, and Salix nigra for a disposition to lie down and sleep.


Twelve of the twenty-one single remedies in NEWTON homeopathics® Nervousness-Anxiety are unique to NEWTON homeopathics® Nervousness-Anxiety complex. It includes Ambra grisea, Cypripedium pubescens, Hyoscyamus niger, and Anacardium orientale for nervousness, Nux vomica for trembling, Sambucus nigra for fretfulness, and Theridion for restlessness.


Thirteen of the twenty-eight single remedies in NEWTON homeopathics® Stress-Tension are unique to the complex. It includes Aurum metallicum and Chelidonium majus for headaches, Bryonia and Lycopodium for irritability, Zincum metallicum for broken and unrefreshing sleep, and Picricum acidum for mental and physical tiredness.


Unlike synthetic chemical-based pharmaceuticals, homeopathics are not known to be addictive and it is practically impossible to overdose. Many people turn to homeopathics for emotional support for these reasons. Many do not take drugs they sorely need because they do not want to become addicted – they do not know about non-addictive homeopathy.

Only 1-2% of Americans use homeopathy and I believe that only a small percentage of these people understand its power. It is up to us to educate. If we see someone hurting, we must not be afraid to introduce them to homeopathy. We must help people deal with their emotions naturally when possible. There are instances when people have chemical imbalances or are suicidal, in which pharmaceutical drugs may be needed. However, many times I believe homeopathy can be used to address emotional imbalance, so one can enjoy and embrace life. Help decrease our society’s dependence on psychotropic drugs, while we continue to address the underlying causes of our stress, tension, nervousness, anxiety, and sadness.