Children Are Our Future – Let’s Help Make it a Healthy One!

We are living in very uncertain, challenging, and changing times.

Children and their parents are still reaping the negative effects of the pandemic lockdown. Children have lost time in the classroom learning math, English, and science, but they have also lost time in the classroom learning how to communicate and interact with others. Masks have deprived them of learning connections between a person’s facial expression and that person’s intent.

Children are dying from drug overdoses at an alarming rate. According to a report by the CDC,

“Median monthly overdose deaths among persons aged 10–19 years (adolescents) increased 109% from July–December 2019 to July–December 2021; deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyls (IMFs) increased 182%. Counterfeit pills were present in nearly 25% of deaths.”

Young people are dying by suicide from being bullied, challenges on social media, despair, dysfunctional families, and/or depression.

But no matter how gloomy it may seem; we must believe there is a silver lining around every cloud. And that silver lining is our children that are pliable and can be remolded with a positive outcome. Truth and light will win in the end.

One of the major steps we can take to help stop and reverse the trend is to point our children to natural approaches in life and particularly health care. And that starts with your example. When you are stressed, do you reach for a drug or a drink or do you take a walk, take a homeopathic, get a massage, or meditate? A picture is worth a thousand words. Children emulate our actions.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Children emulate our actions.

Stock your medicine chest with natural alternatives, teach your kids about eating organic, and use natural approaches such as meditation, journaling, and exercise/dancing/walking to deal with emotional issues. This will teach them a non-pharmaceutical, natural approach to dealing with life’s challenges.

NEWTON has fourteen complexes specifically for children. Some complexes are the same as the adult version, but some are unique to the NEWTON Kids line. Even if the Kids complex formula is the same as the adult version, reinforce your children’s partnership in their healthcare by allowing them to have their own Kids complex. As you know, ownership in any task increases a person’s success in that task leading to greater compliance and the creation of a habit.

The complexes featured this month are the Kids Hypercalm~Mental Focus, a unique NEWTON Kids line complex, the Kids Post-Vaccination (same formula as the main-line adult complex, Hyperactivity~Mental Focus, and the Stage Fright-Fear main-line adult complex that can also be used with children.

Note that the remedy indications cited are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is no scientific-medical evidence that homeopathy works.

Based on traditional homeopathic practice, the NEWTON Kids Hypercalm~Mental Focus is formulated for associated symptoms such as impulsiveness, lack of focus, irritability, and emotional or disruptive behavior. It contains a variety of remedies for a variety of emotion-related symptoms. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Aconitum napellus and Digitalis purpurea are indicated for fear and anxiety. Chamomilla is indicated for those who are whining, restless, spiteful, and snappish. Nux vomica and Lachesis are indicated for an overactive mind, nervousness, and those who are excitable. Gelsemium sempervirens is indicated for those who are weak, tired, delicate, timid, excitable, and easy to anger. Cypripedium pubescens is indicated for sleeplessness and agitation and for those who are easily angered and throw emotional fits. The complex also contains additional remedies for other emotional aspects.

Many parents use it at bedtime to facilitate sleep. Some parents introduce Hypercalm~Mental Focus to their children over the summer, so when they go back to school in the fall, they only take a dose before school and when they get home and don’t need to worry about administration while at school. And note, it’s a hyphenated name. It can be given to a child who has difficulty focusing but no visible signs of hyperactivity or a child who is hyperactive but appears to have no problem focusing.

NEWTON Kids Post-Vaccination complex is formulated for vaccination-related and viral-related symptoms such as fever, inflammation, injection site pain, fatigue, and skin discomfort. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Antimonium tartaricum is indicated for intermittent fevers, with a lethargic condition, and Baptisia tinctoria for an indescribable sick feeling all over. Crotalus horridus, Phosphorus, and Bryonia are indicated for chills, and Aconitum napellus and Arsenicum album for restlessness. Nux vomica is indicated for burning and itching of skin and Gelsemium sempervirens for muscle pain. Other remedies are included for other symptoms such as soreness, fright, headache, fever, night sweats, and diarrhea. Note that the NEWTON Kids Post-Vaccination complex also contains Morbillinum, the nosode of measles, and is indicated for cough.

Although the name is Post-Vaccination, I would give a daily dose 3-4 days before vaccination and then 3-4 times a day for a week or so after vaccination.

The NEWTON Stage Fright-Fear is formulated for symptoms associated with performance anxiety such as apprehension, nausea, restlessness, trembling, and over-sensitivity. Nux vomica,  Kali carbonicum, and Natrum muriaticum are indicated for fear. Argentum nitricum and Lycopodium are indicated for apprehension, Gelsemium is indicated for stage fright, and Sambucus nigra for trembling. There are also remedies indicated for specific fears such as fear of heights, fear of going to doctors/dentists, fear of flying, fear of death, fear of darkness, and many other specific fears.

Don’t be afraid to take the Stage Fright-Fear complex often if needed. And think outside the box. Is your child afraid of an upcoming test at school? Is she afraid of an upcoming visit to the dentist? Is he afraid of competing against the other kids at a wrestling match? How about the fear of thunder or storms? Are your children fearful because mom, dad, or grandma is sick, and they pick off the worry of the family? Is your college kid leaving the nest or is your first grader anticipating his first day at school?

And don’t forget to check out the entire NEWTON Kids line and have those complexes handy. Consider the Kids Sniffles complex when your child “catches” something at school. Is your child hesitant to sleep over at a friend’s house, afraid of an accident – consider the Kids Bedwetting complex. Remember, NEWTON homeopathics have no expiration date so stock your medicine cabinet with the Kids Diarrhea, Kids Constipation, Kids Ear Care, and Kids Fever~Infection so you have it handy when you need it.

And finally, get your children on the right track to natural therapies by teaching them and providing them with their very own bottle of the Kids Detoxifier to take each evening.