You Can’t Help Getting Older, but You Don’t Have to Get Old!

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old!” George Burns

That’s what George Burns said, and I tend to agree with him. He lived to the ripe “old” age of 100 and brought lots of joy and laughter to his generation. He reached old age without getting old.

Similarly, Abraham Lincoln said, “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” Let’s not let our age define us, but let our lives define us.

I get a bit irritated when I’m perceived as an “elderly” person. I read an article where an elderly woman shot an intruder during a home invasion – and then found out she’s 10 years younger than I am. I am not elderly. I may have a few years on me, but the years are only a number. I agree with an unknown author who said, “Age is simply the number of years the world has been enjoying me”.

The key to the future in an aging society is not found in increasing just our life span; we need to increase our health span at the same time. George Burns advised, “Look to the future because that’s where you’re going to spend the rest of your life.”

Although the three complexes chosen for May and the three complexes chosen for June are appropriate for those with a few years on us; the Cell Salts, Feminine Comfort, Libido, and Prostate complexes may be appropriate for the young as well.

Note that the remedy indications cited are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is no scientific-medical evidence that homeopathy works.

You know, by now, we believe that everyone should be taking the NEWTON Detoxifier complex, from the newborn to the so-called elderly. Based on traditional homeopathic practice, the NEWTON Detoxifier contains homeopathic remedies to address the liver and kidneys and symptoms associated with stored toxins. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Bryonia (Wild hops) is indicated for the liver, and Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) and Cantharis (Spanish fly) are indicated for the kidneys. Ptelea (Water-ash) is specific for the liver and stomach and Dolichos (Cowhage) is indicated for skin conditions and itching.

I get a lot of questions regarding NEWTON’s Cell Salts complex. The use of cell salts, often referred to as Schuessler’s salts or tissue salts, was established by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler, a German doctor. He believed that there are 12 inorganic mineral compounds that are vital for cellular health. They are often used together but each of the 12 cell salt single remedies is listed separately in homeopathic materia medicas and can also be used individually in other complexes or as single remedies. See a prior article I wrote highlighting cell salts and their use – “Cell Salts – For Athletes and Old Folks and Anybody In Between”.

Addressing another senior challenge is our Feminine Comfort, formulated for symptoms associated with vaginal discomforts such as itching, burning, dryness, irritation, soreness, and discharge. Although appropriate for all ages, I believe it is especially helpful to post-menopausal or peri-menopausal women. When estrogen levels drop around the time of menopause, vaginal tissues become dryer and thinner. This lack of lubrication and change in tissue may lead to itching, as well as pain or discomfort during intercourse. NEWTON’s Feminine Comfort includes Lycopodium and Graphites for vaginal dryness and Tarentula and Zincum for itching of the vagina and vulva. Natrum muriaticum and Sepia are indicated for those with an aversion to sex because of the pain and dryness. Arsenicum, Aurum metallicum, Hydrastis, and Kali carbonicum are indicated for various types of vaginal discharge making it a complex to consider for women of all ages with various gynecological conditions.

A complex most popular with older men, but also formulated for women, is NEWTON’s Libido complex. Many of the contained single remedies such as Agnus, Baryta carbonic, and Sepia are indicated for loss of sexual desire. Hydrastis and Graphites are indicated for actual aversion to sex. Note that Graphites is also indicated for vaginal dryness and Baryta carbonica is also indicated for circulation. Berberis is indicated for both mental and physical tiredness and Silicea for easy exhaustion.

Consider taking the Feminine Comfort or the Prostate formula along with the Libido complex for the best results.

An only-male complex is NEWTON’s Prostate formula. A common curse for men, benign prostatic enlargement, is a challenge, and drugs or surgery is often the suggested treatment. Note: It is important that prostate cancer is ruled out. NEWTON’s Prostate complex includes Baryta carbonica, Cinchona and Berberis indicated for frequent urination. Selenium and Thuja are included and indicated for dribbling of urine, and Pulsatilla for an interrupted urine stream.

To give you a little boost as you navigate getting older without getting old, NEWTON offers you the Prime+ complex. NEWTON’s Prime+ is formulated for symptoms associated with aging such as impaired memory, loss of vitality, general weakness, and dry, wrinkled skin. Some of the remedies included in the complex, based on traditional homeopathic practice, are Selenium indicated for easy exhaustion, and Aralia for fatigue. Phosphoricum acidum and Cantharis are indicated for thinning hair and Lycopodium is indicated for premature graying. Ginkgo biloba is indicated for mental weakness and poor concentration.

Only 1-2% of Americans use homeopathy.  I believe that many people have not been educated on its use and don’t understand its power. But it is never too late to learn. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Albert Einstein said, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” If you don’t know much about homeopathy – now is the time to learn.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. Albert Einstein

The American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy (AACH) has many learning opportunities that focus on clinical homeopathy. Read articles at and participate in courses at Most of the education is short and sweet and free, but there is also the opportunity to complete an in-depth Clinical Homeopathy Diploma Program over a one to two-year period.

Dr.  Luc, our founder, discounted homeopathy several times before embracing it. Back in the 1960s, his co-worker encouraged him numerous times to visit a homeopath for his persistent stomach ailments. At the time, Luc thought homeopathy was quackery (his words). His misery eventually convinced him to try homeopathy – and surprise – it worked. When he was later presented with a life-threatening condition, he again turned to homeopathy for help after allopathic medicine could not help him. He researched, studied, and developed an approach to homeopathy that led to his healing. He founded NEWTON at the young age of 64 and we continue to use that approach today. This approach has not been validated by scientific-medical research but is based on a combination of the various principles of traditional homeopathic practice.

Eartha Kitt said, “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.”