Please I Pray – Let Me Sleep

A day does not pass without reading or hearing about the importance of sleep on one’s health. According to a March 2023 article, Sleep Deprivation, from the Sleep Foundation, “It is estimated that sleep deprivation affects around one-third of Americans, with increased prevalence in recent years.” Perhaps, like me, you are one of those Americans who struggles with sleep. Some people have an overly busy life with little time for sleep. Some toss and turn and can’t get to sleep; some wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep; some can’t turn off their mind to enter sleep. 

According to a March 2022 article, Sleep Deprivation, and Deficiency, How Sleep Affects Your Health, from the National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute,” Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. Sleep deficiency is also linked to a higher chance of injury in adults, teens, and children.”

Eric J. Olson, M.D. in an article at reported that “Studies show that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.”

In addition to identified diseases and illnesses, lack of adequate sleep can also lead to impaired thinking and decision-making, shortened attention span, compromised memory, diminished energy, and emotional imbalances such as mood swings, increased stress, anxiety, or irritability. Secondary sleep-related incidents such as car accidents and falls, and work-related issues such as tardiness and absenteeism may result. Short fuses due to lack of sleep may potentiate a tendency towards violence such as domestic abuse or child abuse. The list is endless.

As always, the remedy indications cited in this article are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is no scientific-medical evidence that homeopathy works. However, if interested, please refer to the American Institute of Homeopathy website which houses approximately 6,000 research studies.

One of my favorite complexes and one I use every night, is the NEWTON homeopathics® I-Sleep complex. Some nights I probably don’t need it, but I don’t want to take a chance. I am one that often can’t turn off my mind. To be honest, sometimes, depending on what is on my business agenda, I need to take a second or third dose. If 100 issues are swirling around in my head, I try to remember to take a dose about an hour before bedtime and another dose at bedtime. It’s always at my bedside so if I do wake up in the middle of the night, I can easily take another dose. I love the new Euro-dropper. I can just reach over, tip the bottle, take a dose, and go back to sleep.

I-Sleep is formulated for symptoms associated with sleeplessness such as frequent waking, restlessness, and the inability to fall asleep or return to sleep after waking. Gelsemium sempervirens, Kali bromatum, and Cimicifuga racemosa are indicated for restless sleep. Chamomilla is indicated for those who are drowsy but cannot sleep. Pulsatilla and Belladonna are indicated for frequent waking. Coffea cruda is indicated for nervous sleeplessness from a rush of ideas and mental activity and Argentum nitricum is indicated for sleeplessness from an overactive imagination. Calcarea carbonica is indicated for sleeplessness due to worry and nightmares. Additional single remedies are included for other symptoms related to the inability to sleep.

Incidences of leg cramps can also interrupt one’s sleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Up to 60% of adults get leg cramps at night, as do up to 40% of children and teenagers. About 3 out of 4 reported cases of leg cramps happen at night.” Leg cramps may result from sitting for long periods of time as in desk jobs, overusing muscles, standing on a hard floor, or standing for long periods of time. Medical causes may include conditions such as kidney failure, diabetes, mineral deficiency, poor circulation, or the use of various medications.

The NEWTON homeopathics® Leg Cramps-Swelling complex is formulated for associated symptoms such as pain, cramping, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the legs and feet. Hypericum and Magnesia phosphorica are indicated for cramps in calves whereas Cuprum metallicum, Silicea, and Nux vomica are indicated for cramps in calves and soles. Veratrum viride is indicated for cramps in the legs, feet, and soles. Magnesia phosphorica is indicated for the cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Additional single remedies are included for other symptoms related to leg cramps.

From personal experience, on the few occasions I have had muscle cramps, usually in my thigh and/or foot, I take a dose of the NEWTON homeopathics® Leg Cramps-Swelling complex every 5 minutes for three or four doses. I always keep it handy at my bedside just in case.

Although not always, restless legs most often occur at night. Therefore, it is yet another cause of sleep interruption. The main symptom is the urge to move your legs. The sensations, usually on both sides of the body, occur in the legs or feet. However, many years ago, it affected my knees. It is difficult to describe; mine was like a crawling sensation in both knees. I thought it would drive me bananas. This was long before I knew about homeopathy and long before it was given a name. Others may describe the feelings as creeping, pulling, throbbing, aching, itching, or like an electrical impulse. But whatever the feeling, it is very uncomfortable and can interrupt your sleep. BTW, we don’t call it restless leg syndrome, also referred to as Willis-Ekbom Disease, because that is a disease that cannot be addressed with OTC homeopathics.

NEWTON homeopathics® Restless Leg is formulated for associated symptoms such as the constant need to move the legs and feet, cramping, jerking, twitching, and trembling. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Valeriana is indicated for “better from changing position, walking about.” Agaricus is indicated for trembling in extremities and Cinchona is indicated for twitching in knees. Hyoscyamus is indicated for great restlessness in limbs, with every muscle twitching. Rhus tox is indicated for the need to change position continuously. Zincum metallicum is indicated for restless feet in continuous motion and formication (sensation of ants running across the skin) of feet and legs which prevents sleep. Magnesia carbonica, Causticum, and Tarentula hispana are indicated for restlessness in the legs. Additional single remedies are included for other symptoms related to restless legs.

If you have a tendency for restless legs at night, take a dose before bed or keep it handy at your bedside to take a dose immediately at the onset of restlessness. If your restless legs present during the day, after sitting for hours, take it then and repeat as needed.

Is your husband or wife keeping you up at night snoring? Don’t forget the NEWTON homeopathics® Snore-Soothe complex.

Also note, if you have trouble sleeping, we suggest taking Detoxifier during the day. The activity of the liver at night may interfere with rest.

Stock your medicine chest now with these complexes, before you need them, and add Snore-Soothe if appropriate. Remember, our complexes have no expiration date.