Resolution Revolution


Some of us need a reason to change our habits. We may need a little shove or encouragement. As fate would have it, each year we are provided with the opportunity in the form of a New Year’s resolution. It is a chance to create a revolution in our own lives.

Some say that they never make a resolution because they can never keep it anyway – so, why bother? I beg to differ. Did you quit trying to ride a bike because you fell off the first time? Did you give up on learning to drive because of a few fender benders? No, you didn’t. So why would you not set a goal each new year and give it your best? Remember, we are all a work in progress. If you fall off the bike, smash the car, or break your resolution – just get up, brush yourself off, and start again.

It can take up to 2 years to form a new habit. Be ready for all sorts of roadblocks, setbacks, and diversions along the way. Stress, situational influences, self-indulgence or simply having a bad week can seem to throw you off your goal. But the only factor that can truly throw you off your goal is YOU. Those other obstacles just throw you off your PLAN. Keep going until the behaviors that keep you on your goal become your new habits.

It’s interesting to note that most New Year’s resolutions relate to health habits. This is a good thing! It means that most people accept the fact that one’s health is of utmost importance. What is your New Year’s resolution? Quit smoking – lose weight – drink more water – give up processed sweets – give up sodas – de-stress – eat more fruits and vegetables – exercise…? Setting the goal is the first step, and it is an important one. Be clear about what you are going to do with your resolution.

Prepare yourself throughout December for your January launch. Get a commitment from your family and friends to either support you or join you in your resolution revolution. Whatever your resolution, being motivated within yourself and encouragement in your immediate circle can get you on track and keep you there.

In my opinion, on the top of everyone’s NEWTON Year’s resolution list should be the commitment to take NEWTON homeopathics® Detoxifier every day. We’re exposed to toxins daily. Why not detoxify daily? Dr. Luc and I have written dozens of articles about the importance of NEWTON homeopathics® Detoxifier. Read Dr. Luc’s article on the importance of detoxification, The Art of Detoxification.

As always, the remedy indications cited in this article are according to traditional homeopathic practice and not based on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is no scientific-medical evidence that homeopathy works. However, if interested, please refer to the American Institute of Homeopathy website which houses approximately 6,000 research studies.

Although not accepted and disavowed by the medical-scientific community, based on traditional homeopathic practice, the NEWTON homeopathics® Detoxifier contains homeopathic remedies to address toxicity. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Bryonia (Wild hops) is indicated for liver and gastrointestinal issues and Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) and Cantharis (Spanish fly) are indicated for the bladder and kidneys. Ptelea (Water-ash) is specific for the liver and stomach and Dolichos (Cowhage) is indicated for skin conditions and itching. Ceanothus americanus has an affinity for the spleen and Iris for the pancreas.

Because stress often curtails resolutions, consider NEWTON homeopathics® Stress-Tension complex as another partner in your quest to fulfill your goals. It would be of special importance as an adjunct to the NEWTON homeopathics® Tobacco Withdrawal or Appetite-Craving Control complex. Quitting smoking or losing weight are common resolutions. Read more about our Stress-Tension complex at Is Your Anxiety Stressing You Out?

Learn more about the NEWTON homeopathics® Appetite-Craving Control complex at διαιτήμασί.

If quitting smoking is your goal, turn to the NEWTON homeopathics® Tobacco Withdrawal complex. Tobacco Withdrawal is formulated for associated symptoms such as anxiety, cravings, irritability, labored breathing, cough, headaches, and stress. I tell people that Tobacco Withdrawal will not change the habit aspect of smoking or chewing but it is meant to deal with the cravings, bitchiness, and other uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal.

The habit must be addressed by the individual. If you stop at the same gas station to pick up your cigarettes, go to another gas station. If you always light up after a meal, quickly leave the table and go for a walk – without the cigarettes. Remove all the tobacco products from your home so the temptation isn’t there – out of sight, out of mind. If you were smoking in the car, clean your car thoroughly and deodorize it – you will be less likely to want to stink it up.

You tackle the habit issue; and administer the NEWTON homeopathics® Tobacco Withdrawal complex for the withdrawal symptoms. Daphne indica and Nux vomica are included as they are indicated for the craving for tobacco and Caladium seguinum, and Cinchona officinalis are indicated for a tobacco habit. Benzoicum acidum and Bryonia are indicated for a cough and Chelidonium majus is indicated for a cough and shortness of breath. Arsenicum album is indicated for extreme nervousness, restlessness, and anxiety. Chionanthus virginica and Ignatia amara are indicated for headaches. Additional single remedies are included for other symptoms related to tobacco withdrawal.

Stock your medicine cabinet now with these complexes, so you are ready on January 1, to tackle your resolution. Add NEWTON homeopathics® Appetite-Craving Control if appropriate. Remember, our complexes do not expire.