Bow Wow, Meow, Love Your Animals? I’ll Tell You How

Most people who have read some of my articles know that I am an animal person. I was raised on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and drove a tractor long before I drove a car. I helped my dad milk the cows, taking turns with my brother and sisters. It was a small farm by today’s standard; we had about 30 cows on a little over 300 acres. I imagine that’s where my bond with animals began.

We had a dog named Towser. I just learned recently from my sister June that Towser means a large dog or a person full of energy.  I do remember him as large, perhaps a German shepherd.

We had lots of cats on the farm, I imagine to keep the mice and rats at bay. My cat was a calico named Penney; she had 3 legs having been injured by the neighbor’s machinery at some point. I had a Holstein cow named Sheila that I halter-trained. I took her to the county fair and won a blue ribbon one year.

Today, I tend to my guard dogs, chickens, and goats. My husband tends to his herding dogs and horses. We use homeopathy regularly and only turn to a vet when necessary. Just as Ron and I do for ourselves; we start with the least invasive such as diet, vitamins, and exercise, and move to homeopathy, supplements, and chiropractic. Only when necessary, do we go the allopathic route.

Never throw the baby out with the bath water. Sometimes allopathic medicine is there as a lifesaver as in an accident. Sometimes it’s there to keep you alive long enough to find the more ‘natural’ approach or a change in lifestyle. Love your animals by offering them homeopathy without the side effects and toxins present in today’s veterinary drugs but also love them by keeping them healthy throughout their life and comfortable in their old age.

Note that the following remedy indications cited are based on traditional homeopathic practice and not on double-blind randomized studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. The following indications and personal experiences are not based on scientific evidence.

Just like people, animals are exposed to toxins daily. The Newton Pets Detoxifier complex contains remedies for a comprehensive approach. Based on traditional homeopathic practice, and not scientific studies, the NEWTON homeopathics® Pets Detoxifier complex contains homeopathic remedies to address the liver, kidneys, and symptoms associated with stored toxins. According to traditional homeopathic practice, Bryonia (Wild hops) is indicated for the liver, and Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) and Cantharis (Spanish fly) are indicated for the kidneys. Ptelea (Water-ash) is specific for the liver and stomach and Dolichos (Cowhage) is indicated for skin conditions and itching. Skin conditions such as itching and hot spots are very common among dogs. Consider adding the NEWTON homeopathics® Pet Skin Care, along with the NEWTON homeopathics® Pets Detoxifier complex. Consider the NEWTON homeopathics® Pets Detoxifier for your animals throughout their life and the NEWTON homeopathics® Pet Skin Care when indicated.

Aging and debilitated pets may also benefit from taking the NEWTON homeopathics® Pets Energy~Vitality complex. The complex is formulated for symptoms associated with illness, lowered vitality, and aging such as fatigue, debility, decreased appetite, enlarged glands, and stress. And again, dare I say, based on traditional homeopathic practice, and not scientific studies, the complex includes 22 single remedies including Taraxacum, indicated for debility and loss of appetite, Arsenicum album for low vitality and great exhaustion after the slightest exertion, and Cinchona for debility and when one is very weak, over-sensitive and nervous and everything upsets her – light, noise, odors, pain.

When my German shepherd, Miss America, was getting old, I turned to the NEWTON homeopathics® Pets Rheumatic-Joint Care complex, formulated for associated symptoms such as discomfort, stiffness, and swelling. She had no swelling, but I could tell she was uncomfortable and stiff when she moved from lying to standing. I would put some in her water bowl, so she had continuous access while I was at work. When I was home, I would put it directly in her mouth, several times daily. She has since passed, but I have the peace of mind that I was able to give her some comfort in her later years.

Based on traditional homeopathic practice, and not scientific studies, the complex includes 27 single remedies including Lappa, indicated for pains in joints and pains in hands, knees, ankles, and feet, and Arsenicum album for heavy limbs, cramps in calves, rheumatic pain in the legs and cramps in the fingers. It includes Aconitum napellus for inflammation of joints and rheumatic inflammation which is worse at night, red, shining, and swelling joints and for a very sensitive, painful stiffness in the nape of the neck, the loins, and the hip joints and drawing, tearing pains in the knee joint. Calcarea carbonica is indicated for swelling of joints, especially knees, arthritic nodosities, and swelling of the wrist and the finger joints.

Only 1-2% of Americans use homeopathy and I believe that only a small percentage of these people understand its power. It’s up to us to educate. If we know someone unfamiliar with natural health approaches, we must not be afraid to introduce them to homeopathy. If they want to research, direct them to the American Institute of Homeopathy at which lists approximately 6,000 research studies on homeopathy.

Dr. Luc, our founder, discounted homeopathy several times before embracing it. Back in the 1960s, his co-worker encouraged him numerous times to visit a homeopath for his persistent stomach ailments. At the time, Luc thought homeopathy was quackery (his words). His misery eventually convinced him to try homeopathy – and surprise – it worked. When he was later presented with a serious condition, he again turned to homeopathy for help after allopathic medicine did not help him. Curiously, the homeopaths he went to who practiced classical homeopathy, also did not help him. But, convinced that homeopathy was the answer, he researched, studied, and developed another approach to homeopathy that led to his healing. Newton uses that approach today. His approach has not been validated by scientific research but is based on anecdotal evidence and a combination of various principles of traditional homeopathic practice.